Information about the marriage of Ioann Bene and Anisia Grozav:
Groom Firstname: Ioann
Groom Lastname: Bene
Groom Nickname:
Groom Denomination: greek catholic
Groom Birthday: //
Groom Age: 21y
Groom Birth Place: Nima
Groom Residence: Nima, Capul Satului Din Diosu 133
Groom Occupation: Liberu
Bride Firstname: Anisia
Bride Lastname: Grozav
Bride Nickname:
Bride Denomination: greek catholic
Bride Birthday: //
Bride Age: 19y
Bride Birth Place: Nima
Bride Residence: Nima, Ratu Lange Drumul Tierei 147
Bride Occupation: Servitore De Domni
Groom Father Firstname: Crucile
Groom Father Lastname: Bene
Groom Father Nickname:
Groom Father Denomination: greek catholic
Groom Father Residence: Nima
Groom Father Occupation: Omu Liber
Groom Mother Firstname:
Groom Mother Lastname:
Groom Mother Nickname:
Groom Mother Denomination:
Groom Mother Residence:
Groom Mother Occupation:
Bride Father Firstname: Gavrille
Bride Father Lastname: Grozáv
Bride Father Nickname:
Bride Father Denomination: greek catholic
Bride Father Residence: Nima
Bride Father Occupation: Servitori De Domni
Bride Mother Firstname: Maria
Bride Mother Lastname: Onásu
Bride Mother Nickname:
Bride Mother Denomination:
Bride Mother Residence:
Bride Mother Occupation: Servitori De Domni
Julian Calendar: no
Engagement Date: //
Wedding Date: 11/11/1861
Wedding Place: